Pharmaceutical Wholesale “VITAMED” was established in 1993.
In the initial period, the company dealt with the distribution of medical materials and pharmaceuticals to pharmacies.
Currently, we are a representative of pharmaceutical companies operating on the Polish market in the field of:
- distribution of medicinal products and medical materials
- registration of medicinal products and medical materials,
- organization of scientific conferences and symposia for doctors and pharmacists.
We are a dynamically developing company on the market of pharmaceuticals with a Polish capital. The basis of the company’s operation is efficient organization and attention to quality. All products we distribute have approvals and permits required by law. Vitamed portfolio includes a wide range of products including OTC drugs, medical devices and dietary supplements.
Our preparations have an excellent opinion both in the medical and pharmaceutical environment, and among patients.
An important part of the organizational structure of our company is a team of medical and pharmaceutical representatives who reach doctors, pharmacists and other business partners.
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